You’ve Been Using Oxo Cubes Wrong This Whole Time
Stop yourself being covered in Brown powder with this game changing technique.

How do you normally open an OXO cube? Probably in the same way the rest of us do right? You rip open and unwrap the foil then use your fingers to crumble it into the pan or jug.
Nope apparently this is wrong! The packaging of an OXO cube is actually especially designed to enable you to add the stock to your cooking mess-free.
Instead of spending time peeling off the wrapping and boiling the kettle, you should crush the packet instead.To pour the stock into your pan, simply release the flaps at the side.
The AWESOME trick was brought to the world’s attention by a mum on social media.
Kasie Riley posted a photo on the Facebook community page Mums Advice way back in 2016, with the caption: “I feel like my whole life’s been a lie. All those crumbly messes I could have avoided.”
Even though this is really old news the tip has been recirculating the web due to lockdown and the excess of home cooking going on. If you don’t believe us check out this video from Moneysavingexpert.
Not everyone agrees though and in all honesty I am not sure I do either.
What do you think of the new way to open an OXO cube? Have you always done it this way? Let me know your comments.
Why did I not know this years ago?